About Our Choir Program
Lakeridge boasts a robust and comprehensive choir program that caters to students across all grade levels and skill ranges. The Pacer Choir and Treble Choir offer yearlong, non-auditioned courses for freshmen, focusing on vocal techniques, singing skills, and basic music theory for tenor/bass and soprano/alto voices, respectively. Both groups perform in four annual concerts. For students seeking a more advanced experience, the Concert Choir welcomes singers from grades 9-12 through auditions and builds on foundational skills with a more rigorous curriculum. The Chamber Choir, available for grades 10-12, challenges intermediate singers with advanced literature and music theory. The distinguished Company group, open to juniors and seniors, requires a two-part audition and performs a variety of music styles, including travel and additional performances. Finally, the A Cappella Choir, also for juniors and seniors, serves as the premier representative of the Lakeridge choir program, participating in school concerts and external festivals. These courses provide extensive extracurricular opportunities, allowing students to develop their musical talents and performance skills throughout high school.
Please see the Curriculum Guide for more information about courses and the school calendar for performances.