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Academic Planning

Lakeridge High School Curriculum Guide

Academic Support

At Lakeridge High School, we want students to succeed academically, pass all classes, and feel confident in their skills and abilities. If a student struggles in a class, the first place to start is by seeking help from the teacher during class or during Teacher Student Contact Time (TSCT), which is offered 10-15 minutes every school day. If a student needs more support, we have intervention classes and programs. Please review the Curriculum Guide and see your counselor for more information on the following support programs:

Independent Study Hall is provided for students who need or desire time at school to complete homework and projects. Students must come to class prepared to study and will be expected to use their time wisely during this period.

Pacer Study Center provides a small student-to-teacher ratio, extra organizational support, and an opportunity to do homework and study. Students will be identified for this support class based on past and current class performance and teacher and counselor recommendations. This class may be repeated for credit.

Academic Support Center provides a small student-to-teacher ratio, one-on-one or small-group tutoring, extra support in organization and advocacy, and an opportunity to do homework, study, and sometimes make up for past failed classes during the school day. Students will be identified for this support class based on past and current class performance and teacher and counselor recommendations. This class may be repeated for credit.

Request a Tutor

Use this form to request a NHS tutor:

LHS NHS Tutor Request

LOSD Tutor List

11th Grade College/Career Planning Tasks for Spring and Summer

  1. Research and make a list of colleges you will apply to. You can research colleges on Naviance, Common App College Search, College Board, or College Navigator. When you receive your final junior year grades and any college entrance exam scores, you’ll know how your credentials stack up to a college’s acceptance ranges. Discuss your college choices with your parents/guardians and school counselor to ensure your list is reasonable and balanced.

  2. Add ANY colleges you will apply to in Naviance under “Colleges” → “Colleges I’m Applying To”. This includes 4 yr Schools/Universities, Community Colleges, or Vocational Schools.

  3. Study, prepare, and register for the SAT or ACT if you plan to take it and have not already.

  4. Create a Common App, University of California, California State University, or Coalition Account if you are applying to any colleges that use any of those applications (Common App is used by most US schools). In August, get started inputting information in the application so you have less to do in fall. 

  5. Make meaningful summer plans, but don’t forget to relax too. Volunteer in your community. Get a part-time job. Find an internship. Consider being in or counseling for a summer camp in a sport or area of interest. These activities will do more than develop your character and strengthen your skills. They’ll also tell college admission officers you care about your future.

  6. Visit college campuses in person or virtually. The best way to get a sense of whether or not a college or university is right for you is to visit the campus. Attend an information session, take a campus tour, talk with students, and visit a class if possible.

  7. Start brainstorming admission essay topics and begin a draft(s). The essay topics are available on the college’s website or the college application website (Common App, UC, Coalition). Check out College Essay Guy for great, free prep if you need help!

  8. Keep a spreadsheet of the schools you are applying to with deadlines, materials needed, and any other information to keep track of your tasks.